English | Training For Change

Strategy in an Hour!

Strategy in an Hour! TopicDirect ActionOrganizing & StrategyTeam Building LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD “Strategy — in the face of impending war, financial crises, time crunch, staff changes or despair — is impossible.” Well, I...

The State Budget Crisis

The State Budget Crisis TopicOrganizing & StrategyTeam Building LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goals Increased comfortability with numbers and the state budgeting process; Understanding of how budgets are an expression of our values; Increased...

Banner Making for Activists 101

Banner Making for Activists 101 TopicDirect Action LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD In demonstrations, vigils and anywhere else you are making a public statement, banners are terrifically useful. They tell who you are and either graphically or by their...

Sustaining Self-Care: a tool for personal awareness

Sustaining Self-Care: a tool for personal awareness TopicDirect ActionDiversity & Anti-OppressionTeam Building LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goals Encourage self-care throughout the workshop; Help participants reflect on techniques they already use;...

Spectrum of Peacework

Spectrum of Peacework Topic3rd Party Nonviolent Intervention LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goal to expand participant’s cognitive framework for third-party nonviolent intervention; to distinguish TPNI from other forms of peacework...