Diversity & Anti-Oppression | Training For Change

What’s Racial Justice Training Got to Do With It?

What’s Racial Justice Training Got to Do With It? TopicDiversity & Anti-Oppression LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD How things look after 25 years of anti-racism work By Erika Thorne, with input from Naomi Long As a white TfC trainer who has concentrated...

An Open Letter to Anti-Oppression/Diversity Trainers

An Open Letter to Anti-Oppression/Diversity Trainers TopicDiversity & Anti-Oppression LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD Fellow trainers — If you’re like me, you’re getting lots of requests for 2-hour and 1-hour workshops. Sometimes it’s...

Taking Play Seriously

Taking Play Seriously TopicDiversity & Anti-Oppression LanguageEnglish WorkshopsCreative Workshop Design TypeArticle DOWNLOAD by Hannah Strange As a trainer and organizational development consultant to various social justice and environmental groups, I take my...

Diversity & Consensus

Diversity & Consensus TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting Facilitation LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD By Betsy Raasch-Gillman Picture this: a group of activists who’ve been planning a direct action come together for a regular meeting. Tensions are...