Meeting Facilitation | Training For Change

Fishbowl: “Worst Meeting Ever . . . “

Fishbowl: “Worst Meeting Ever . . . ” TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting FacilitationTeam Building LanguageEnglishSpanish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goals play with the concept of meetings (relax people on this topic); look at the basics of having...

Diversity & Consensus

Diversity & Consensus TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting Facilitation LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD By Betsy Raasch-Gillman Picture this: a group of activists who’ve been planning a direct action come together for a regular meeting. Tensions are...

Taking Stock of Taking Stack

Taking Stock of Taking Stack TopicMeeting Facilitation LanguageEnglish TypeArticle DOWNLOAD By Nico Amador I first noticed the downside of taking stack at a conference for organizers and radical activists I attended three years ago. Taking stack is a process in which...

Break the Rules: How Ground Rules Can Hurt Us

Break the Rules: How Ground Rules Can Hurt Us TopicMeeting Facilitation LanguageEnglishSpanish WorkshopsTraining for Social Action Trainers TypeArticle DOWNLOAD By Daniel Hunter I am not always against ground rules. However, ground rules as widely practiced are poorly...