Training Fundamentals | Training For Change

Spectrum of Allies

Spectrum of Allies TopicDirect ActionOrganizing & StrategyTeam BuildingTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglishSpanish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD A study of the barometer of social forces and groups, spread across the spectrum from those who are the most dedicated...

Mainstream & Margin

Mainstream & Margin TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglishSpanish WorkshopsTraining for Social Action Trainers TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Note: Because this exercise is lengthy and usually moves the group into an area of its own...

Chair Power: Three Types of Power

Chair Power: Three Types of Power TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting FacilitationTeam BuildingTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglish TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goals: give participants a theoretical tool to analyze power; assist participants in using...

People-Centered versus Curriculum-Centered Design

People-Centered versus Curriculum-Centered Design TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting FacilitationTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglish WorkshopsCreative Workshop Design TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD [google-translator]Upcoming Workshops < Mar26Online Training:...

Step In: Step Out, Using Comfort Zones

Step In: Step Out, Using Comfort Zones TopicDiversity & Anti-OppressionMeeting FacilitationTeam BuildingTraining Fundamentals LanguageEnglish WorkshopsTraining for Social Action Trainers TypeTraining Tool DOWNLOAD Goalsto identify and support a range of...