This symbol indicates an upcoming workshop

a 17-day training of trainers
The Super-T is for trainers and facilitators at any level of experience who want to take their skill to a new level of creativity and effectiveness. In this training, participants learn the major principles of direct education, an approach to training groups that is about liberation and empowerment. The Super-T is ideal for those looking to take a step back from their training style and try something new or those ready to apply a new training approach to their ongoing work. In the Super-T participants learn new skills, increase their capacity and participate in 17 days of training the trainers with 20+ participants from around the World.
The Super-T consists of 4 workshops, with a day’s rest between each. Together the training is 17 days long, sequenced for maximum skill and growth. You’re welcome to either apply for part of the entire Super-T or certain workshops.
To learn more about what each workshop in the Super-T includes please read the Super-T Schedule below. Click here for testimony from past Super-T graduates on the power and impact of the Super-T.
WORKSHOP FEE The Super-T workshop costs $975-$3,500 US, sliding scale based on income.
Super-T fees are sliding scale; scholarships are available. The fee includes over 100+ hours of training, meals during workshop hours, and simple lodging for people who request it. We’re unable to pay for travel costs. To determine your fee, use the chart below. We also encourage everyone to apply, regardless of ability to pay!
If your income is… | $15,000 | $15,001 – $25,000 | $25,001 – $35,000 | $35,001 – $45,000 | $45,001 – $55,000 | over $55,000 |
You Pay… | $975 | $1,250 | $1,500 | $1,900 | $2,450 | $2,950 |
If you are being sent by an organization with an annual budget over $200,000, the fee is $3,500.00 US.
Application and Acceptance Process
We aim to confirm participants at least two weeks after the application deadline. You will be notified whether you are accepted, put on the waitlist or denied. We’re mindful that folks need time to book travel, and we’ll follow up about the acceptance process as we are able. Please don’t book travel or accommodations until we confirm registration.
We’re committed to accepting a diverse group for each training and to support folks with less access to resources. People of color, working-class folks, those from the Global South or folks from less-resourced organizations are encouraged to apply. We also aim to accept people who are already working with a group, project, or organization where they can apply what they learn back home. If you’d prefer to apply by phone instead of online, there is a phone number included in the application.
To apply please see above.
Super-T Schedule
The whole series of training starts May 31st and ends June 16th, 2019. You can attend each training on their own or as a whole package. May 29th and May 30th are international orientation and they are mandatory for International Participants.
MAY 29 – JUNE 16, 2019
MAY 29-30, 2019
Because we have so many international participants traveling from outside the United States, we offer a special session just for them. In two days, you’ll get a chance to meet the other international visitors, adjust to the time difference, deal with culture shock, learn Philadelphia’s public transportation system, and meet some U.S. activists.
May 31-JUNE 2, 2019
Part one of the Super-T, Training for Social Action Trainers, is an intensive workshop designed for experienced facilitators wanting to revitalize their work, new trainers wanting to inspire, teachers, community leaders, activists–anyone who needs to take their skills to the next level and learn how training can be used more effectively. See a full description of the TSAT here.
Format: The workshop begins with dinner and registration at 6 p.m. Friday and runs until 6 p.m. Sunday.
Cost if taken separately: If taken separately, this workshop costs $200-$700 US, sliding scale based on income. The fee includes over 23 hours of training, meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, and simple lodging in neighborhood homes for people who request it
JUNE 4-5, 2019
Part two of the Super-T, Adventure-Based Learning, is designed to introduce trainers to a set of invigorating tools that you can use to build group cohesion, explore conflict, examine leadership roles — and just have fun!
Adventure-based learning provides physical and intellectual problems for groups to solve. The “group challenges” help people explore issues of leadership, cooperation, and conflict. The hands-on activities provide a laboratory for people to experiment with different ways to lead or support a team. As with other experiential training, at the end of each exercise participants explore options for greater effectiveness. This workshop helps trainers incorporate challenges into their training designs so that they are more effective in building teams, developing leadership, and resolving conflicts. See a full description of the ABL here.
Format: The workshop begins with breakfast and registration at 8 a.m. Tuesday, and runs until about 6 p.m. Wednesday.
Cost if taken separately: If taken separately, this workshop costs $125 US -$450 US, sliding scale based on income. The fee includes over 16 hours of training, all meals on Tuesday and Wednesday, and simple lodging in neighborhood homes for people who request it.
JUNE 7-9, 2019
Part three of the Super-T, Creative Workshop Design, gives you a chance to let your mind loose in a liberating learning environment and get a fresh look at creating workshops, classes, seminars and trainings. This fun, intense 3-day workshop is for trainers who want to design engaging, impactful workshops, teachers who want to add spice to existing curriculum, and anyone who needs to communicate with groups in a way that empowers. See a full description of the CWD here.
Format: The workshop begins with registration at 6 p.m. Friday and ends at 6 p.m. Sunday.
Cost if taken separately: If taken separately, this workshop costs $200-$700 US, sliding scale based on income. The fee includes over 22 hours of training, meals from Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch, and simple lodging in neighborhood homes to people who request it.
JUNE 11-16, 2019
In part four, the Advanced Training of Trainers, you’ll deepen and broaden your facilitation skills. It’s a rigorous training open only to people who’ve taken our introductory Training for Social Action Trainers, whether in Philadelphia or elsewhere. Together we’ll tackle some of training’s biggest challenges — including handling conflict and strong emotions and modifying workshop designs on the fly. See a full description of the ADTOT here.
Format: The workshop begins with dinner and registration at 6 p.m. Tuesday and ends at 4 p.m. Sunday.
Cost if taken separately: If taken separately, the ADTOT costs $450-$1,500 US, sliding scale based on income. The fee includes over 45 hours of training, all meals from Tuesday dinner through Sunday lunch, and simple lodging in neighborhood homes for people who request it.
June 16, 2019, 5-6:30 PM
Community members, Hosts, Volunteers, Staff, and Trainers join Super-T Graduates for a simple ceremony marking their competition of the trainings. Refreshments are provided and certificates awarded. Participants are enthusiastically encouraged to attend.